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2010/9/10 15:16:07 0条 / 点击:413次
一段时间没来了,扫下灰尘,有一堆手绘练习但是没带在身边,目前没仪器拍不了也扫描了,来发些翻译,和电脑练习鬼节那天构思的一张画,断断续续画了好多天,还是没画完“在这个冰冷幽暗的世界里,不能给你带来阳光,却希望你能碰触到它的气息”图片如下:翻译第三页德国少年零基础到高手的学习贴翻译-61-65楼留言 (英文版有图)(61楼DeKal)thanks for that comment, for real...your stuff is real cool too...i like the digital portraits a lot...just keep up the anatomy studies and the life drawing! and experiment more with mark making..your on the right track感谢那些评论...你的东西真的很酷...我喜欢那些数字画像,不要停止研究解剖和生活中的绘画!做更多标志性的练习.你已经在正确的轨道上了(62楼)DeKal, thanks dude! Yeah, I will. Aaah can't take days without drawing, although i really REALLY have to prepare for my exams, here's some doodles.DeKal,谢谢你,哥们!我会坚持的!啊~没有一天能画画,虽然我真的真的要准备考试,这是一些涂鸦。(63楼The Pariano)Thanks for checkin in on my sb!Really liking those arm studies on page 2 man! You seem to use hatching alot in your sketches, I think it would be beneficial if you started to use the lines to follow the forms of what youre shading. Its amazing to see the difference of lines that follow the forms and ones that dont. Im actually working on a charcoal piece in class and theres a part of a form that is almost completely pitch black, but but making the strokes follow the form its easily seperated from 孤单的the flat background strokes. Line exercises?Id say do lots of contour drawings. Dont lift your pencil up at all; one long fluid line. work with pressure and line variation aswell and in no time you will have really strong lines : D真的很喜欢第二页的那些手臂学习。你看起来用很多阴影线在你的草图上,我想如果你一开始就用线条的方式去表达你的阴影将会对你很有益处。你会令人惊讶的看到不同的线条表达的形式。我真正的工作就是在课堂上用炭条,而且几乎完全漆黑的一部分,但使素描跟着那种形式(64楼)Almighty Chris, wow, thanks for the advice! As soon as my exams are over, I shall definitely practise that!Daaaaamn i wanna draaaaaaaaw but instead i have to study :-/But here's some digital refless doodles from today.openCanvas 1.1, 1 hour:openCanvas 1.1, 20 minutes:openCanvas 1.1, 25 minutes:SAI, 1 hour:全能的克里斯,哇,谢谢你的建议!只要考试结束,我就一定会练习的虽然还想画但我要去学习了这些是今天电脑的涂鸦。 openCanvas 1.1, 1 小时:openCanvas 1.1, 20 分钟:openCanvas 1.1, 25 分钟:SAI, 1 小时:(65楼)More digital crap! All in openCanvas and without ref, except the fruit stuff, which is from life.更多的数码垃圾!所有画都没有参考,除了那些来自平常生活中的水果。
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http://art.5d.cn/Thumbnails/2010-09/028BOULFJU.gif 更多
